Monday, May 11, 2009

Conference Schedule

Venue for both days: SYNGE THEATRE, HAMILTON BUILDING, Trinity College Dublin


2pm Plenary Lecture: Professor Andrew Hiscock, University of Wales, Bangor
"Unruly Genre: Comedy, Critical Appetite and Cultural Difference"
(introduced by Dr. Sarah Alyn-Stacey, TCD)

3pm Panel 1: History of Ideas

Rory Loughnane, Trinity College Dublin, "Exploring Continuities: The Memory-Training Tradition and Early Modern Drama"

Amanda McKeever, University of Sussex, "From Purgatory to Abraham's Bosom: Negotiating the Afterlife during the Reformation"

Jesse Dorrington, University College Cork, "From 'the abominable profession of sacrilege' to a 'love of mischief': Representations of Witchcraft in the Malleus Maleficarum and The Witch"

4.15pm Coffee Break

4.30pm Panel 2: Drama and Sources (chair: Dr. Amanda Piesse, TCD)

Alex May, University of York, "Compiling a Queen: the Elinor Sequence and Edward I"

Paul Quinn, University of Sussex, "Hero, Victim, Martyr, Rapist: The Transformation of King John in 16th- and 17th-Century Texts"

Hsin-yi Hsieh, Shakespeare Institute, University of Birmingham, "The Portrayal of God’s People: From the Late Medieval Everyman to Early Elizabethan Morality Plays"

6pm Wine Reception (GSU common room, House 7)


11am Coffee

11.30am Panel 3: Spenser and Milton
(chair: Dr. Mark Sweetnam, TCD)

Abigail Shinn, University of Sussex, "Spenser’s Beast Fable: Mother Hubberd’s Tale and The Book of Raynarde the Foxe"

Cian O'Mahoney, University College Cork, "Reinterpreting their past: Edmund Spenser's The Faerie Queene in Civil War period literature"

Colin Lahive, University College Cork, "'To dissect / With long and tedious havoc fabl’d Knights / In Battles feign’d': The Refashioning of the Romance Hero in Paradise Lost"

1pm Lunch (own arrangements)

2.30pm Panel 4: Shakespeare (chair: Dr. Andrew Power, TCD)

Laurie McKee, Northumbria University, "Rethinking Service in the Tale of Gamelyn and Beyond"

Karoline Baumann, Freie Universität Berlin, "Negotiations of the medieval in A Midsummer Night’s Dream"

3.30pm Coffee Break

4pm Panel 5: Medievalisms (chair: Dr. Helen Conrad-O'Briain, TCD)

Tom Muir, University of Sussex, "What We Talk About When We Talk About Leland"

Harriet Phillips, University of Cambridge, "'An older time there was so yore': the merry world and the broadside ballad"

5pm Plenary Lecture: Dr John McCafferty, University College Dublin
(introduced by Prof. Danielle Clarke, UCD)

7pm Conference Dinner (Ciao Bella Roma, Parliament Street, Dublin 2)

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